Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Have You Crossed Anything Off Your Bucket List?

For many years, and I'm getting to be pretty old, I dreamed of things I wanted to do and places I wanted to go and thought that's what they were...DREAMS, but as I've gotten older some of them have been realized. Now, I'm not one to sit around and think about what I want to do before I die, rather I dream of things in a more thoughtful, romantic way AND I don't necessarily plan any of them, I just let them happen naturally, in the course of life.
Now, let me make a few things real clear...I ain't one to go jumpin' outta no airplane! I feel just fine riding in coach and see no reason to change that. I also don't see any reason to go swimming with sharks or any other sea creatures that want to kill me.
But, I have accomplished a few things that I really never thought I would and I guess now that I'm OLDER it's called a Bucket List.

I've been on a Hot Air Balloon Ride

I've flown over The Grand Canyon

I've been to Alaska


I've been on many Cruises

I've been to Foreign Countries
Sunset Beach, St. Maarten
Where the jets come in for landing right over the beach...FUN

 The Yukon, Canada

St. Thomas, U.S.V.I.

And Many Other Places

I've Met Some Famous People
Charles Barkley

Coach Jeff Fisher

There are some other famous athletes I call my friends and when I'm around them I don't see them as celebrities, but just plain old people who laugh at my jokes, love my cooking and are content to sleep on a queen size bed even though they are VERY TALL and HUGE people.

I've danced in the rain, stood on a mountain, sung with a choir, held my nieces and nephews minutes after their births, been deep sea fishing, snuck into a concert, been on a movie set while they were filming Jaws II, did the flowers and some of the food for my wedding, touched a shark, ridden on a glass bottom boat, wrote a fan letter to James Stewart (my favorite actor of all time) and received a reply and a photograph and
 ROLLED TOOMER"S CORNER many, many times.

There are so many other things I've done, but quite a few I've yet to do. I'll just continue on this journey and in due time I'll be able to put a check mark next to many other things on my Bucket List.